Denha & Associates, PLLC Blog

9 Tips to Control and Grow Your Brand

By: Jon Dwoskin

Branding can be a scary word. Often times branding is one of those things new businesses or small businesses believe is only available to large conglomerates—those that can actually afford the expense of building a brand. The truth is this: the perception that creating a brand is an expensive endeavor is a false narrative.

It’s actually quite simple: everything we do and say is our brand.

 Think about it. In every situation we encounter on a daily basis, we have our own brand. Maybe at family dinners you’re the comedian, the “actually” guy always correcting someone, or the sports fanatic—that’s your brand. The same is true when you’re in the office daily, at the local coffee shop and even out to dinner each evening. Everything you do and say is creating your brand.

This may scare some, but it really is good news. It is good news because we have complete control over our branding and how we put it into the world. According to the Zimmer Radio and Marketing Group, “80% of people cite ‘authenticity of content’ as the main factor as to whether or not to follow a brand.” What can be more authentic that being yourself? This authenticity should impact our business, our employees, our shareholders, our vendors and everyone our company brand touches.

Think about YOUR brand and how you control it with these 9 easy and inexpensive tips:

Tip One: Say “Hello”

This seems really simple, but nothing creates authenticity better than human interaction. Slow down and greet people properly. In a day and age of keyboard warriors and the constant drudge of screens, the value of being able to interact face-to-face cannot be overstated. Which is a great transition into tip two.

Tip Two: Put the Phone Down

In order to make good personal connections, and also be present for every situation that arises in your business, don’t be the guy or girl with a phone for a hand. This step is simple. When you meet someone, or especially in meetings, put your phone down. The emails will still be there, the texts will still be able to be read; those messages aren’t going to self-destruct.

Being present is one of the greatest ways to brand yourself. It makes those presenting or those you’re talking with feel like they actually matter and aren’t just an afterthought. If you are in control of your brand and want to be desirable, be present and not drowning in the blue light of your phone’s screen.

Tip Three: Don’t Hide Behind Your Email

Are you starting to catch the theme? Create, and control, your brand by making personal connections. Sure, sometimes it’s just easier to send an email, but could it be more impactful to pick up the phone and call?

By choosing to make a phone call instead of constructing an email, you will guard against your words being lost in translation and you’ll be communicating in an authentic way—no room for interpretation—helping your brand.

However, sometimes you simply have to send an email. One thing here, if you must send an email: read it over. Too often simple spelling errors and bad grammar are missed. Take the extra time to ensure you’re getting the exact well-constructed message across in every virtual communication you send.

Tip Four: Connect with Everyone

Everyone literally means everyone—at least those in your department and on your floor. A quick and simple “Hello, how are you” or, “How was your weekend,” will go a long way to building your brand. Fun and fast conversations benefit you by helping you connect with those around you. When they consistently happen, you can begin to learn and understand the people you work with, what drives them, what they are passionate about and how they can fit those drivers and passions into the forward movement of the company.

Tip Five: Take Action

There is nothing worse than someone who says they are going to do something and then they don’t pull through. When this happens, brand credibility is lost. An authentic brand is a reliable brand. Always talk in measurables and deliverables, and then deliver! Being a man or woman of your word is one of the simplest and most effective ways to build a solid and authentic brand.

Tip Six: Change your Voicemail Greeting

You can’t always get to your calls, so making sure that your voicemail is on brand is crucial. If your voicemail greeting doesn’t make people want to talk to you, change it. Too often people’s greetings are bland and straightforward—so hum drum. Put on a smile and add some pep into your voicemail and make people happy they called you.

Tip Seven: Leave an Impression

Speaking of voicemails—if you can’t always answer your phone, know that sometimes you’re going to have to do your fair share of conversing with voicemails. Be concise and full of energy. People usually have so many people to call back; be encouraging and you’ll shoot right to the top of the list.

Tip Eight: Leverage Yourself

So many brands can literally grow overnight online. This doesn’t happen by chance. By creating a campaign to brand yourself and your company you can see your brand take off. Provide solid and authentic content and let people know what you stand for and how reliable you can be in your service to them.

You can also use this space to create momentum and become a thought leader with your chosen brand. By giving opinions and perspectives within your passions and drivers it’ll help followers become more effective with their peers clients, colleagues and friends. Then watch as your brand takes off.

Tip Nine: Be Consistent

There is no substitute for consistency. However you choose to brand yourself, do it daily and do it consistently. Those who are consistent and authentic have more fun and grow their brand quickly and effectively.

Think of it this way: Branding is what people say about you and your company when you leave the room. What do you want your clients, your colleagues, your employees and your friends to say about YOU? The answer to this question is your brand. Happy branding!

Think Big!
