Denha & Associates, PLLC Blog

7 Key Takeaways from Smart Brevity to Get You Unstuck and Skyrocket Your Business Growth

By: Jon Dwoskin

As a business coach, I specialize in helping people get unstuck, transform their mindset, and grow their business exponentially. One of the most valuable tools for unlocking this potential is mastering clear, concise communication—an area where the book Smart Brevity shines. Whether you’re running a small business or leading a large organization, these lessons will help you communicate more effectively, get people to take action, and scale your business.

Here are 7 essential takeaways from Smart Brevity that can reshape your business and get you unstuck:

1. Be Concise, Not Just Brief

One of the core ideas in Smart Brevity is that it’s not about shortening your message for the sake of brevity but about being impactful with fewer words. In business, clarity is power. When you cut out the fluff and get to the point, you create focus. That focus is what drives momentum, and momentum is exactly what your business needs to move from stuck to unstoppable growth.

2. Lead with the Headline

This is a game-changer. People are overloaded with information, and as a business owner or leader, your goal is to make your communication easy to digest. In both written and verbal exchanges, lead with the headline—what’s the main point? This doesn’t just save time; it builds credibility and authority by showing you respect your audience’s time.

3. Actionable Content is King

It’s not enough to just convey information—you need to spark action. Smart Brevity teaches that the content you share should always lead to a clear next step. Whether it’s a client proposal, team meeting, or marketing message, ask yourself, “What action do I want the recipient to take?” When you’re helping your clients or team, your words should be a catalyst for movement and results.

4. Say Less, Show More

In today’s visual world, your message must not only be concise but also supplemented with visuals when possible. Use charts, infographics, or even a simple bullet point list to make your point clearer and more digestible. Visual communication reduces mental clutter and allows your audience to grasp your message quicker—leading to faster decisions and, ultimately, faster business growth.

5. Know Your Audience and Adapt

Not everyone processes information the same way. The beauty of Smart Brevity is its focus on understanding your audience’s needs and preferences. The way you communicate with a CFO will differ from how you speak to a client in sales. Tailoring your message based on who you’re speaking to can break through the barriers that keep you stuck in unproductive cycles and accelerate buy-in from your team or clients.

6. Cut the Clutter

In my coaching practice, I often see leaders and businesses trapped by their own complexity. They say too much, plan too much, and overthink every step. Smart Brevity emphasizes the importance of decluttering your words, ideas, and even processes. By simplifying, you create space for action and innovation. When you remove the noise, your business can focus on what truly drives growth—and that’s where breakthroughs happen.

7. Iterate and Improve Communication

Communication is a living process. What worked yesterday may not work tomorrow. One key takeaway from Smart Brevity is the need to constantly reflect on and improve how you communicate. This applies not only to your emails and presentations but also to your conversations, sales pitches, and leadership strategies. Ask for feedback and be willing to adjust. The most successful businesses are those that evolve, and evolving starts with better communication.

Smart Brevity is more than just a book on communication—it’s a toolkit for unlocking business growth. By applying these principles, you’ll not only get unstuck, but you’ll also see your team, clients, and business move faster, think clearer, and grow bigger. Remember, it’s not about saying more; it’s about saying what matters most and saying it well.


Jon Dwoskin