Denha & Associates, PLLC Blog

Impact Players

By: Jon Dwoskin

“Impact Players: How to Take the Lead, Play Bigger, and Multiply Your Impact” by Liz Wiseman explores what differentiates high-impact individuals in the workplace from those who might be just as hardworking but don’t achieve the same level of influence and success.

Here are 10 key takeaways from my recent favorite book:

1.         Mindset Over Skillset: Impact Players have a mindset focused on contributing and making a difference, rather than just completing tasks. This attitude allows them to focus on what matters most and make significant contributions.

2.         Opportunity in Obstacles: Instead of seeing obstacles as insurmountable barriers, Impact Players view them as opportunities to solve problems and demonstrate their value. They thrive on challenges and use them as a platform to showcase their abilities.

3.         The Importance of Initiative: Taking initiative is a hallmark of an Impact Player. They don’t wait to be told what to do; they proactively identify what needs to be done and take action.

4.         Flexibility and Adaptability: Impact Players are highly adaptable, able to pivot when circumstances change. They understand that being flexible and able to adjust their approach is crucial in a dynamic work environment.

5.         Ownership and Accountability: They take ownership of their projects and are accountable for the outcomes. Impact Players don’t make excuses; they focus on finding solutions and achieving results.

6.         Focus on Results, Not Just Activity: Impact Players are results-oriented. They prioritize tasks that have the most significant impact on the organization’s goals and are always looking for ways to improve outcomes.

7.         Collaboration and Influence: They are excellent collaborators who understand the power of leveraging the strengths of others. Impact Players build strong relationships and are skilled at influencing others to achieve common goals.

8.         Communicate Effectively: Effective communication is key to their success. Impact Players are clear, concise, and persuasive in their communication. They ensure that their ideas are understood and can rally others around a vision.

9.         Learning Agility: A commitment to continuous learning and growth is a trait of Impact Players. They are curious and seek out feedback to improve their skills and performance.

10.       Lead from Any Position: Impact Players don’t need to be in a leadership position to lead. They demonstrate leadership through their actions, influencing change, and driving progress from wherever they are in the organization.

These takeaways highlight that becoming an Impact Player is less about technical skills and more about the approach to work and interactions with others. By adopting these behaviors and mindsets, individuals can significantly increase their impact and value within any organization.


Jon Dwoskin

Business Coach248-535-7796