Denha & Associates, PLLC Blog

National Quitters Day: The Power of One Goal

By: Jon Dwoskin

Embracing the Power of Consistency

January 12th marked National Quitters Day, a rather dubious distinction, it’s an opportune moment to reflect on the art of goal setting and the power of consistency. Statistics reveal a startling trend: about 80% of Americans who set New Year’s resolutions have already abandoned them. This abandonment often stems from the overwhelming nature of juggling multiple goals. However, there’s a more effective approach: focusing on one goal at a time.

The Magic of Singular Focus

When you zero in on a single goal, your energy and efforts aren’t scattered. This singular focus allows for deeper engagement and a stronger commitment. Think of it as putting all your eggs in one basket, but watching that basket very closely.

Small Steps, Big Leaps

The beauty of focusing on one goal is that it allows for the creation of micro plans – small, manageable steps that gradually lead to the achievement of your larger objective. These small daily actions might seem insignificant in isolation, but they compound over time, leading to significant results.

Consistency: The Secret Ingredient

Consistency is the secret sauce in this journey. It’s not just about what you do occasionally, but what you do consistently. By doing something small every day related to your goal, you build a habit. And as these habits solidify, they pave the way for long-term success.

Micro Business or Life Plans

Whether it’s for your business or personal life, having a daily or weekly micro plan that aligns with your main goal keeps you on track. This plan serves as a roadmap, breaking down your larger goal into smaller, more achievable tasks. Each completed task is a step closer to your ultimate objective.

Embracing the Journey

Remember, the journey towards your goal is as important as the destination. Celebrate the small victories along the way. Each day that you remain consistent with your efforts is a win, and these wins add up.

Conclusion – SET ONE GOAL!

As we reflect on National Quitters Day, let’s redefine it. Instead of seeing it as a day of failure, view it as a day of recalibration. Refocus on one primary goal, embrace the power of small daily actions, and be consistent. The cumulative effect of these efforts can lead to astounding results. Remember, doing small things every day leads to big results. Stay focused, stay consistent, and watch the magic happen.


Jon Dwoskin

Business, Executive & Sales Coach