Denha & Associates, PLLC Blog

The Power of Retention: Achieving Balance in Recruiting and Retaining Talent

By: Jon Dwoskin

Most companies focus a lot on recruiting and hiring. I’m always telling clients to “ABR” – Always Be Recruiting.

In the drive to attract new employees and get the right people in the right seats, make sure you are not overlooking retention. 

Retention plays a pivotal role in long-term organizational success and growth. Creating a balance of recruiting, hiring and retaining is the key to building a strong workforce and driving your business growth effectively.

Whether you are a solopreneur or a Fortune 500 company, it’s easy to get absorbed in the quest for recruiting new talent.

You can’t have successful recruitment if you aren’t also prioritizing retention. Retention ensures that valuable employees remain closely connected to your company, enabling them to reach their highest potential and thrive within your organization. By providing the necessary support and resources, you can create an environment where employees eagerly show up each day, ready to deliver their best.

Striking the right balance between recruiting and retention is vital for sustainable business growth. Start by identifying the positions you need to fill in your team. What are their job functions? Who will they report to? What are your expectations of them? What do they want in a position?

Once you have those details down, build a dedicated team within your company that can effectively handle your recruitment and retention efforts. If you only have one person who handles all of your HR, you may need to add team members to assist with this task and provide support for managing the process.

To achieve lasting retention, it is imperative to adopt thoughtful retention strategies. This might include building and maintaining a positive work culture, providing opportunities for growth and development, recognizing and rewarding achievements, and promoting open communication channels. By prioritizing these retention strategies alongside recruitment initiatives, you can cultivate a loyal and engaged workforce, ensuring the long-term prosperity of your organization.

As you’re looking at recruiting, don’t forget the power of retention and the role it plays in those efforts. Make sure you aren’t hiring people, then dropping the ball on keeping them engaged. 

Build your workforce into the future by nurturing and empowering your existing employees.


Jon Dwoskin, Business Coach/Executive Advisor